Tuesday 5 November 2013

Next Stop Home

It's very odd to come back to your home of 21 years+ and be relegated the the Guest Room and have other people's stuff all over the place.

We were very lucky with the weather and managed 2 days of intensive gardening, with some massive tree pruning.

Friday night, we finally made it to our 'Local' for their monthly Music Night, where far more musicians and their instruments than would seem feasible congregate and play and the other half of the pub just has a good time. Met up with very dear friends, Fi and Gary and had a wonderful evening. 

Saturday lunch was in the Village pub for lunch with Mum, Simon, Tori and Edward. Edward can be a trial when it comes to bedtime but he is an angel when we go out to eat.

Sunday was Mike's daughter's 45th birthday and we headed down to Bath for lunch out with them and Mike's son and family too. Beautiful lunch, high above Bath and a great evening back at their house.

 Sue getting a surprise cake and present.

 Sue's Husband and smallest grandchild, Louie.

 Second oldest Grandchild Abi and our daughter in law, Sam.

Walking off the lunch.

The following morning we were off to Mendip Heights, near to Cheddar. Had the slightly challenging experience of driving up through The Gorge, always an impressive sight but due to the weather, we didn't stop. En route we stopped off at Burnham on Sea to blow our cobwebs away. 

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