Wednesday 20 November 2013

Bugger Bournemouth

To pinch what George V was mythically reputed to have said about Bognor, when he was in the final stages of the illness that was about to kill him, Bugger Bournemouth! We won't be going there again.

It's out of season and many of the coastal area relax parking restrictions from October to April and also allow dogs onto the beaches.

We were heading to Bournemouth but on the way stopped at Avon Beach, where we were able to park right by the beach and let Rowley have a run. He loves beaches, as long as they are mostly sandy. Pebbles, he doesn't like.

I'm so glad we stopped when we did because when we reached Bournemouth, despite the fact there was masses of on street parking, all along the coastal road, everywhere there are signs saying CARS ONLY. We did find a car park at Boscombe Pier, where they had removed the height restriction barrier and we thought that was great, no signs about cars only and we duly Paid & Displayed. Only when we walked back to the pier, we saw a sign with small print, we couldn't possibly have read when we drove by, saying no vehicles over 5 metres, we are 6.5. So before we got a parking ticket, we went back and drove off, vowing never to darken their doors again. But not before I took a photo of the lovely silver and gold sky and Rowley had a really good run!

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