Saturday 2 November 2013

Back to Worcestershire

Promised I'd babysit for my son and his wife on the last Saturday of October and then invited down to Bath for Mike's daughter's birthday, so it seemed a good opportunity to get back in the area, see Mum and have a couple of days gardening, as some serious pruning to be done.

Decided to stop off at Lower Lode, Tewkesbury, for one night on the way. The site was a little basic but next door to a lovely old pub, so of course there would be a pint of two in there.

Good walk along the River Severn, although Mike's ankle was still hurting, especially on the uneven ground but lots of birds there, especially on the pool next to where we camped.

Rowley was allowed in the pub and two log fires in there, so we spent a pleasant hour or two chatting to the barman, who had ended up there when he lost his home when he and his partner split up. He came to camp at the pub, while he sorted himself out, started working in the pub and now has a flat there. There was also an elderly chap, who is living in a MotorHome and has been employed as the Ferryman, which sounds a rather idyllic lifestyle, until we heard the previously Ferryman had drowned, when he slipped off the boat. It wasn't mentioned whether he had spent time in the pub prior to his accident. Anyhow, don't think we'll be applying for that job. .

 A perfect example of an English Oak Tree.

Tewkesbury Abbey, the other side of the River Severn from where we were staying.

 Rowley mooching about and loving it.

Herons, what can you say, unless you are involved in some way with fish, how can you not love them? Beautiful birds. And below, two adult Cormorants, with a juvenile. Never can resist the chance to use the old joke," Is that a Cormorant? I suppose a Shag's out of the question?"

If you don't get it, look it up.

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