Friday 8 November 2013


Those that know me well know I have a strong 'Spiritual' side. Having been brought up, baptised and confirmed into the Church of England, I've not followed any formal religion for years. I enjoy the act of worship, in an old church but most of what was being said went totally over my head, the words as dry and meaningless, to me, as chaff blowing in the wind.

What I have always gained solace from is being with like minded people, a feeling of spiritual communion and the peace and love that emanates from this beautiful Earth. Old buildings that still seem to retain the essence of those who lived before and the incredible tableau of the sky and weather.

So being at Avebury for All Hallows, Samhain, Halloween, call it what you will, was too good an opportunity to miss.

The village is intriguing enough, with its ancient stone rings surrounding it but there was going to be a Labyrinth event there, so a chance for me to dress in the type of clothes I would like to wear all the time (and may soon start doing that, as this journey of discovery is teaching me to follow my own heart and if other people don't like it, that is their problem not mine).

The principle of the Labyrinth here, was to face up to my nightmares, symbolised by the Grey Horse, in the centre and to pass on through to the end with a resolve to deal with those things that spiritually weigh me down.

I'm really glad we went.

Waiting for my dinner at The Red Lion, Avebury, which claims to be the most haunted Inn in the country. The only Spirits I saw there were behind the bar.

Some believe Orbs are Spirits of the deceased, if so, they were partying with us here.

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