Monday 21 October 2013

What a Nightmare!!

Alarm was set for 4.15 am, to leave Ypres to catch the 7.10am ferry from Calais. The journey time should have been a little over an hour.
No! Only the French would close the entire Autoroute leading to this major port, in both directions, for weeks on end. Not only that , the diversion is through narrow, country, what we would class as B roads, with no lights and guess what, it was foggy. Very foggy.
There were times on that journey that driving into a solid brick wall seemed like a good option and there were times when I nearly did. Of course the signs were inadequate and we missed the ferry. Not only that, when we did make it to the port, again, the signs were pathetic and we, along with a few others, ended up in the Lorry section.
So we had to pay an extra £20 to catch the next ferry and sit kicking our heels for a couple of hours.
Once on the ferry, I managed to curl up on a seat and sleep for half an hour but I was very tired on the drive back up though England and the M25 is never good, at any time.
Having arrived home, we then had to go and do some shopping and for no other reason than I was exhausted, I reversed the bike rack over the bonnet of our next door neighbour’s car.
This was not a perfect day!

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