Monday 16 December 2013


We'd planned to go to Cambridge on Sunday 8th of December but when I looked at the Council Website, it said there were height restrictions at all of the Park and Ride sites.

I sent a slightly sniffy e mail to the council and was pleasantly surprised to receive a reply on Monday morning, early too, saying the Trumington Site did have MotorHome parking. This was NOT mentioned on the website, something I did point out.

So off we trundled the 18 miles to Trumpington. Well, for a start it was a bloody nightmare accessing the Car Park. I got in the slip road for the entrance and then saw the height restriction warning, plus a notice say, over height vehicles to use the next entrance. Trouble there is, you can't see the sign until you are in the wrong lane and I had to get out of it, or be stuck. Although I indicated, I still got bibbed. Well stuff you! What was I supposed to do?

The next entrance also had a height restriction, for goodness sake! Yet again, by the time I was stuck in the wrong lane, there was a sign telling me to get across to the right and use the John Lewis entrance. I was getting a little fraught by now. Even with big wings mirrors and a rear camera, it isn't easy suddenly changing direction without annoying someone!

So having negotiated the intercom at the barrier,k which politely told us to be off site by 6.20 pm, we headed off to find the Motorhome designated spaces. Yet again, these were not properly signed and quite some distance from the entrance barrier.

When we reached the small, MotorHome allotted spaces. Or Camper Vans as they like to call us (to be honest most Camper Vans would probably get under the height barriers) what was the sight we were greeted with?

To say I was upset and annoyed is an understatement and the crazily parked Volvo got a note on their windscreen, Saying "Idiot, are you a Camper Van!" 

Thankfully I found a space in a corner, by a hedge, that allowed me to not block anyone's passage and there we parked. These cars were parked her due to the laziness of the drivers. There were plenty of spaces, but they would have involved a slightly longer walk to the Bus Stop.

Cambridge was lovely but no public toilets that we could find, which was a big disadvantage. I asked a Tour Guide and he said the best bet was McDonalds. What is this Country coming to? We'll all be pissing in the streets soon, like in Medieval times.

Anyway, having had a good moan, here are a few photos of the City.

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