Monday 24 March 2014

Cat Sitting then, Back to the West Country

26th February saw us starting to head homewards. We were cat sitting on the Saturday and Sunday as my Son & his Wife were going down to Bath to run in the Half Marathon.

To break the long journey we had booked a night at Chertsey but this had been cancelled 2 weeks earlier as the site had been underwater for a couple of weeks, so we had a night at Mike's Mum's on the way.

Friday 28th was a busy day, as there were some health matters to catch up on. Repeat prescriptions to be renewed, blood pressure check for me in the morning and dental check up in the afternoon, or was it the other way round? Anyway, evening, over to Tettenhall Wood for dinner with friends and possibly a little too much to drink, again! Lovely evening. 

Saturday morning, dash back over to Worcester for lunch with Mum at The Crown at Hallow and then a little bit of peace and quiet, while the sporty ones went off for their run.

Monday morning, we were back on the road again and first stop, Wellington, or nearly. One thing about this Club Sites, they do like to name them after the nearest big town but are rarely in walking distance. This one wasn't too far out of town but we weren't too keen on the narrow pavement, with lorries thundering past. And not a decent pub to be seen!

This is the Parish Church.

Strange campsite, they are mostly a caravan storage site, the little camping site area only takes about a dozen pitches but it was laid out in a pretty way with lots of spring bulbs around, only they don't have a toilet and shower block, which meant using our own bathroom and rather than use our tiny shower, we chose to be smelly for a couple of days.

We caught the bus inTaunton, which was an OK sort of a town but the toilets in the Bus Station had closed and the nearest Public Conveniences are the dirtiest, smelliest most horrible Loos I have been in. I would have gone into a pub or the like but we were just about to catch the bus back to the site and I knew I wasn't going to make it without 'A Visit' first. Most unimpressed with that!

Some photos I took around the town.

No. I have no idea what the last one was. It was in a window.

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