Sunday 30 March 2014


While we were in Minehead we had to have a trip on the West Somerset Railway, we are huge fans of steam railways, echoes of our childhood.

We chose to go to Watchet. Now who wouldn't want to be the person that stands on the platform shouting Watchet, as the train pulls in ? Lovely sea views on the journey and such a civilised way to travel.

Not a lot more to say, the photos say it all.

Saturday 29 March 2014

Next Stop Minehead.

Booked in the Caravan Club Site for a week, while we waited for Sites further South to open up for the season.

I didn't know Minehead at all, other than there was a Butlins there,

which I'd never been to and doubt I ever will now.

Not a lot in the town of interest, apart from a random statue of Queen Anne

but it was a very pleasant walk into town. On the way there are some, well lots actually, of lovely houses, built in Arts & Crafts style, with a touch of Garden City. I'd have been spoilt for choice for a lovely family home.

Everywhere the spring bulbs were coming out and lots of colourful Camellias in the front gardens.

Where the Site is located in Alcombe,  which was once a village separate from Minehead, there is a main road that obviously bypassed the village centre at the start of the 20th C. The shops, Edwardian buildings, are there on the 'new' road and it was a few days before we realised there was an old village up a narrow road a short distance from the main road. The old Village Stores is now a house but there were thatched cottages and the pub, which is very quaint was still a thriving business.

A short drive away from Minehead is Blue Anchor Bay and memories of Mike's happiest childhood holiday. He wanted to go and have a look at the place. Imagine his surprise to see that the old railway carriage they stayed in is still there!!

Monday 24 March 2014

Cat Sitting then, Back to the West Country

26th February saw us starting to head homewards. We were cat sitting on the Saturday and Sunday as my Son & his Wife were going down to Bath to run in the Half Marathon.

To break the long journey we had booked a night at Chertsey but this had been cancelled 2 weeks earlier as the site had been underwater for a couple of weeks, so we had a night at Mike's Mum's on the way.

Friday 28th was a busy day, as there were some health matters to catch up on. Repeat prescriptions to be renewed, blood pressure check for me in the morning and dental check up in the afternoon, or was it the other way round? Anyway, evening, over to Tettenhall Wood for dinner with friends and possibly a little too much to drink, again! Lovely evening. 

Saturday morning, dash back over to Worcester for lunch with Mum at The Crown at Hallow and then a little bit of peace and quiet, while the sporty ones went off for their run.

Monday morning, we were back on the road again and first stop, Wellington, or nearly. One thing about this Club Sites, they do like to name them after the nearest big town but are rarely in walking distance. This one wasn't too far out of town but we weren't too keen on the narrow pavement, with lorries thundering past. And not a decent pub to be seen!

This is the Parish Church.

Strange campsite, they are mostly a caravan storage site, the little camping site area only takes about a dozen pitches but it was laid out in a pretty way with lots of spring bulbs around, only they don't have a toilet and shower block, which meant using our own bathroom and rather than use our tiny shower, we chose to be smelly for a couple of days.

We caught the bus inTaunton, which was an OK sort of a town but the toilets in the Bus Station had closed and the nearest Public Conveniences are the dirtiest, smelliest most horrible Loos I have been in. I would have gone into a pub or the like but we were just about to catch the bus back to the site and I knew I wasn't going to make it without 'A Visit' first. Most unimpressed with that!

Some photos I took around the town.

No. I have no idea what the last one was. It was in a window.

Going to Rye

24th February, we had a day out to Rye and had a few stops on the way.

First was a tiny village called Brooklands, which we stopped at years ago. Back then there was a tiny Butcher's Shop, near to the church. It was so clean and light in there and the Butcher had a large block on the left and then  there was a small cubicle, where a lady sat, in her pristine white overall, looking vaguely like she could have been a character in Brief Encounter. I ordered a leg of Romney Marsh Lamb from the Butcher and then paid the lady in her cubicle.

Mike and I can't remember how long ago this was but I think it has to be about 25 years ago.

The shop was still there, no sign writing on the board above the window and the window was covered by some sort of dirty blind. I feel the shop is still there just as it was, even though I know it hasn't been open for at least 12 years, as I spoke to someone who lived near there and he didn't remember the shop ever being open. I almost wonder if I walked through the veil of time, into some long gone shop because even 25 years ago, that shop was a bit strange.

The church is lovely and has an unusual timber tower, built separate from the church's main building and in such a way as to prevent it sinking into the marshy ground. 

Above is an 18th C Hudd or Grave Shelter, used by the Parson before umbrellas were invented to protect his wig from the rain.

Next stop on the way to Rye was the beach at Winchelsea. They were busy there loading up shingle to repair Sea Defences and as usual Rowley enjoyed it.

After blowing away the cobwebs, we headed on to Rye. Not a MotorHome friendly place for parking but we did manage to park on street up by the Harbour

To cope with parking in the town of Rye, we did a little shopping in Budgens and used the rest of the time we were allowed there to have a stroll around the historic town. There are some lovely buildings there and if ever I have a few pennies to spare, I'd like to stay at The Mermaid.

The Mermaid is so famous, that the house above has been named accordingly, "The House Opposite"

Mike caught in the act!