Monday 17 February 2014


Haven't felt inspired to update this Blog, for a combination of reasons.

The weather is totally getting me down, for various reasons, both personal and weather related, I've been very depressed and as a lifelong, periodic suffer from depression, I know that I have no motivation, whatsoever, in the bad times.

We managed 5 days back at Sandy Balls, where the weather was atrocious, we didn't even go swimming, as it was cold and wet and dark all the time. The walk across and the thought of getting wetter didn't appeal at all.

Our first morning back there was a small window of dry weather, although blowing a gale. I thought it would be good to drive to Avon Beach, park on the road above the beach and cook our breakfast and have a walk on the beach, to blow the cobwebs away and see the big waves.

That was enjoyable, for me and the dog. Mike didn't like it at all, he was too cold. When we got back to the site we found our hook up cable and water hose had been stolen. So the rest of the week really was spent under a black cloud, in both senses.

All the other campers around us were shocked at the theft, this sort of thing doesn't normally happen. What did amuse me was the reaction of the men staying around us, as some of the campers were very camp indeed. We then realised we seemed to be in an all male community and when we saw the rainbow stickers with GCC on them, the penny dropped, we were staying in the middle of a Gay Caravan Club Rally. Who knew? I think I shall have to join, they seemed a lot more cheery than some of the straight, married campers we've seen, who never seem to even speak to each other.

So all in all it was a bad week, with the theft and the weather. We had to move back to M-I-L's for the weekend as Sandy Balls was fully booked for the weekend. More Happy Campers arriving!

At the weekend we were having a bit of a family Do, at my Sister-in-Law's, which was a pleasant diversion from the weather and I did what I do best, catering for 12 and making sure they were all well fed.

The forecast was so bad for the following week, we didn't go back to Sandy Balls but stayed in the house, which was sensible really and due to the high winds delayed driving to our next booking at Chichester.

We drove down here yesterday and it was a lovely sunny day, we took a short cut on a B road as we got near to the site, which was an exciting drive, although just about passable, the road was a river, for about 4 miles, with ditches running like raging torrents.

So here we are, grey skies again and windy but at least it is dry, at the moment. Planning to get the bus into Chichester in a bit and then hopefully a dog walk this afternoon.

These are a few of the photos from our breakfast at Avon Beach.

And on the 13th I thought I had better take advantage and take a photo of the Moon in her glory, as I suspected, rightly, there wouldn't be a chance the next night of the Full version.

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